Authors interested in contributing to research can submit the research paper/technical papers based on original research work as per the important dates which is applicable for all the conferences as per the guidelines furnished below.
(Authors have to select Appropriate Track and conference for the Submission)
Paper Format
Page size: A4 Size Template: Refer Conference website for more details |
Standard: IEEE format Paper Category: FLP, SLP and Poster |
Content Development Guidelines
(1) Introduction
- Background
- Problem identification and area
- Title justification & Purpose
- Articulation & Linkage with reported work
- Objectives and expected outcomes
- Work novelty and intended research claim •Application, relevance and impact
(3) Research/ Technical/Project Work
- Survey, feedback, expert guidance
- Modeling/ simulation
- Experimentation setups and experimentation (if applicable)
(5) Conclusion
- Summary of result
- Research claim
- Novelty of research
- Application
- Relevance and impact
(7) Acknowledgement
- Professional acknowledgement only
(2) Theory
- Academic foundation
- Research foundation
- Research approach
- Technology and methodology to be adopted
- Measurements
- Norms and standards to be adopted,
sources for result verification and validation
(4) Result and Discussion
- Observation table & Graphs
- Description with respect to theory
- Validation and verification with Application area
- Findings and development of new learning
(6) Future scope
- Extension of work with Change in fundamentals, principle and functional aspects
- Change of Approach, methods and methodology, modeling and simulation
- New application area & Unexplored concept
(8) References
- Listing and citation as per IEEE standards